It's been a while since I last wrote a blog. In a topsy turvy year with lots of lovely events, like a new grandbaby, and just general busyness, the rose gardens have been slowly chugging along. That's it though, just chugging along.
The general busyness though has been to do with keeping the rose gardens alive during a long, hot, and very brutal drought. Hand watering the gardens daily, until our newly dug out dam ran out. My innovative husband came to the rescue and filled a small water tank from council water taps just to keep the precious roses and trees alive.
It was very hard to see the heritage and heirloom roses struggle, although I told myself that heritage roses are tough. They've had to be!
Still, even with all the effort to keep the gardens alive, I seriously considered mowing the whole of the roses down and allowing the ground to revert to rough paddock.

But then the rain came and we all in our little nook of the world rejoiced! And it rained and rained and rained. And it hasn't really stopped .. yet! And I couldn't be happier!
I had purchased more bare-rooted heritage roses earlier in the year in the hope that we'd eventually get rain. And I potted these up so I could water them regularly and keep a close eye on them in the hope it would eventually rain.
Now with all the rain, I could confidently plant more precious heritage roses out in new beds in the rose gardens. And the gardens are looking better than they've ever looked, albeit with an extra girth of weeds attempting to take over!
So, now we're gathering basket loads of our gorgeously fragrant roses to dry for our gourmet rose petals and use in our rose petal balms.
And we're planning more floral workshops where we teach beautiful ways of using roses ..
As well as our lovely floral retreat mornings (or afternoons) where you discover the therapeutic benefits of fragrant roses and gardens ..
And we're extending the gardens so that we can host flowery morning or afternoon teas for you and your friends, or that special hen's party or birthday party.
So if you'd like to spend an hour or three wandering around smelling the roses set in the rolling hills of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, we'd love to host you. Just private message us on Facebook 'Edgeworth Lley-Heirloom Roses'. Oh, and we're on Instagram too @lillianheirloomroses.

We'd love to hear from you!
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