Our heirloom roses don't look or smell like the usual cut flowers you might find at the supermarket florist section. And that's something we're very proud of.
Most people aren't aware that imported flowers or traditionally grown cut flowers generally have high levels of pesticide residue. Not something you want to bury your face in and sniff.
But we encourage people to bury their noses in our roses and sniff their divine fragrance because we don't use pesticides in our gardens.
Imported fruit and vegetables are checked for high levels of pesticide residue, yet imported cut flowers are not checked for high levels of pesticide residue. Which means you may want to hold off sniffing those imported roses (which disappointingly rarely have perfume!).
Instead, we rely on nature's little warriors to keep pests in the garden under control.
That means that our rose bushes might have hidden heroes amongst their leaves.
And one of these hidden heroes is the spider! There is no need to be frightened of these little spiders as they're not poisonous to humans and they're only interested in feeding on pests in the garden.
And if you walk around our garden early in the morning you may even see some of their artworks.
Some of these art installations are cleverly embedded with bright dewdrop jewels!
And if you're very lucky, you may even witness a hatching of hundreds of tiny spiders. Not the prettiest sight perhaps, but it makes us feel good knowing these little spiders will go to work and feed on pests such as caterpillars, aphids and even grasshoppers.
So we don't need to soak our roses in pesticides to protect them from pests. And because of that our roses can grow as nature intended, without looking artificial and unnatural.
So we can grow this lovely heirloom Tea rose, Comtesse Riza du Parc, with her gorgeous buds as she was grown over a century ago, without pesticides. And it is safe to bury your nose in her silken petals and sniff her delicate perfume.
So next time you decide to give a gift of roses to that special someone ask your local florist for locally grown roses that are not dripping in pesticides or preservatives.
You might be surprised at how beautiful roses grown without pesticides can be ..