A garden is a wonderful place where children can fire up their imaginations with nature as their inspiration; building healthy neural pathways in growing, active brains. And creating happy memories that are triggered in adulthood by the sight, smells and sounds of nature.
In a garden, with no poisonous sprays, children are safe to wander barefoot among the shrubs and flowers, climb low-hanging trees, make trails of leaves, and play-make in a world of their imagination.
Are their garden faiiries (or scary fire-breathing dragons) hiding in the shadows over there? Sssssh, in case we wake them up ..
.. A tiny rose bud filled with morning dew suddenly becomes a royal chalice for imaginary faiiries to sip from ..
.. And tiny, little cobwebs sparkling with dew drops are now jewel encrusted necklaces for garden faiiries ..
.. Lying on the green grass, staring up at the sky dappled with climbing roses, imagining life in faraway countries, or even galaxies ..
.. Making up stories and using tiny rose blossoms as finger puppets ..
.. Spying a spotted ladybird hiding next to a fat rosebud ..
.. Squatting on all fours looking up at flowers growing upside down! How does that happen .. ?
Burying a small nose in a perfumed rose and breathing in gulps of fragrance ..

.. the stuff of memories that last a life-time.